I've recently discovered these beautiful, amazing figures while perusing various blogs and websites. They are called Santos and were used in religious celebrations and parades back in the day. I'm on sort of a big religious iconography (is that a word?) kick right now - looking for items like these, big artistic iron crosses, beautiful tiles a la Sid Dickens, etc. I bought one of those (it's not a Sid Dickens, but it looks similar) yesterday - I'll share it tomorrow. I don't know what it is about all this stuff- it just all seems very cool to me and in the remodeled house, I actually have room to put things like these Santos figures. Here are some that are so lovely I have to share (all pictures used by permission of the shop owners).
This one is from The Curious Sofa in Kansas City - how badly do I want to go to this shop! If you live in that area - lucky you - if not, her website and blog are fantastic and very inspiring!
The Curious Sofa also has this amazing collection of crosses - WOW!
Next is a lovely from Sadie Olive, she has quite a few in her wonderful online boutique (where I am a frequent customer, admittedly).
She also has this amazing St. Francis - I love the little birdie!!
Yesterday, I got my new Ballard Design catalog (I'm also a frequent customer of theirs, though I do really like supporting the smaller, independent boutiques) and they've jumped on the bandwagon - though they are calling their figures "Flemish Dollmaker Forms" - theirs are resin, not wood, but I thought it was interesting. Looks like my Santos have gone mainstream! (Mind you, I still don't actually own one, but I'm hoping!)