One of my new favorite things to do is collaging. So, I made a few and then decided to go the distance and beeswax them. Hmmm...I did it ok in class, but wow - did things go wrong. I'm not even sure what exactly. I think my wax wasn't hot enough. Anyway - I went from having some collages I liked well enough to complete messes. Tears were shed. Cooler heads (my husband) prevailed. Bring on the heat...
I blow dried them. The heat melted the wax and I scraped it off with a razor blade. What I discovered while doing that, is that, I didn't want to remove all the wax - I like how they looked with some wax - I liked how they looked scraped and some areas got darker and looked almost burned - very antique! So, what was a disaster - became ok. I mean, in the end, if they had been ruined - so what? (OK, if you know me at all, you KNOW that "so what" is not in my nature), but since it didn't come to that - it's easy to laugh about it now!